Friday, January 29, 2010

Watch Jeff Probst's on Live For the Moment

Jeff Probst at the CBS show this thursday for the inspirational show entitled, Live for the Moment. Live for the Moment , a new reality show hosted by Jeff Probst, premiered tonight on CBSand Live for the Moment will be picked up by CBS for future episodes."Live for the Moment," that will probably be watched most by people.

Live for the Moment has the same inspirational message that its name implies. But there's more to it than that for the people who are featured on the show. Live for the Moment, which was originally titled Live Like You're Dying, sends terminally ill patients on the final big adventure of their lives. On tonight's episode, a family man who has ALS and only a few years to live, meets Buzz Aldrin, goes on an unforgettable ski trip, and witnesses a true celebration of his life.

Read more about it from the article of thedeadbolt:

Longtime host of Survivor, Jeff Probst, has been jetting to exotic locations for twenty seasons of Survivor adventures to live for the moment with those in the heat of Survivor competition. Now, however, Jeff Probst, is taking an altogether different but hugely rewarding journey on CBS Thursday, January 28 at 8pm, as Probst gives viewers an inspirational adventure through the eyes of a man who has learned to live life to the fullest in Live for the Moment.

In Live for the Moment, Survivor host Jeff Probst takes Roger Childs, a family man diagnosed with ALS, on a series of adventures, creating family memories and sharing powerful life lessons. The inspirational way in which Roger lives his life just might change the way viewers live theirs.
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