Thursday, February 4, 2010

Watch Giants Stadium Demolition

The old Giants Stadium starts coming down today, and about the only lamentable fact about this is that it's a piece-by-piece job.Giants Stadium, the only professional sports arena Manning has called home, is being torn down on Thursday. This on the day the wrecking ball starts its demolition of Giants Stadium. There has been even more melo in the coaching drama in college football

The good news is that Controlled Demolitions, Inc., who took out the Kingdome, have taken out a bunch of other things too. Their "World Records" page is a great appetizer; just do yourself a favor and read about the insane, fortress-like construction of Detroit's Hudson Department Store before watching its rapid deconstruction, because doing so makes the whole thing taste better. Then move on to the main course: the company's dedicated YouTube channel. Cruddy old public housing towers, defunct factories, large chunks of Pennsylvania: all a joy to watch as they crumble. But there is something extra fun about the felling of a smokestack — something Looney Tunes-silly about how they topple like stunned giraffes. So do not skip "Lovett Power Station," "Penn Coach Yard," or the ridiculous "Solar Two Facility." Kablam! You could watch this stuff all day. Watch IT
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